Sunday, January 26, 2014

Will Potential Buyers Love Your Wallpaper?

"I love my wallpaper!" – This is a comment that I often hear when conducting real estate home staging consultations.  I also hear, "I don't like my wallpaper, but I'm not going to remove it just because I'm selling my home”.  

The short and sweet answer to “will potential buyers love your wallpaper” is “NO”!

Removing wallpaper is one of the top items on my list of what home owners need to do before listing their home for sale. 

Wallpaper in every room, or even one or two rooms, is a huge negative to potential buyers.  Even buyers who like wallpaper will not like the wallpaper you have chosen!  Wallpaper is a personal decorative choice that buyers want to pick out for themselves.  It doesn't matter to them how much you paid for it, how in style it is, what top designer recommended it, or even if you saw it used in a room on HGTV.  The potential buyer only sees a huge project that will make a colossal mess, and, cost a lot of money to remove!

My recommendation as a Professional Home Stager is to remove your wallpaper and replace it with a neutral warm paint color.  Don't paint over it, because potential buyers will know you did - and painting over it makes it more difficult to remove.  I highly recommend hiring a professional to remove your wallpaper.  Removing wallpaper can be extremely challenging and by doing it yourself, you can end up damaging walls which, in turn, will create more headaches and expense for you.    

One of the main things to remember before listing your house for sale is that potential buyers have a wide variety of tastes and expectations.  Those tastes and expectations may vary greatly both geographically and demographically.  A house that can appeal to a large mass of potential buyers will be more in demand than one highly customized to a particular style. The more buyers who find a home attractive when it hits the market, the faster the home will sell!